


Thank You for your purchase of CCC Series 6 from St Clement ePress!


Responsibilities to the adherence of copyright laws require our CCCSeries Apps, to connect directly to the Vatican website inside the App. As such, a Wifi connection is required to use the Vatican Links.

The Holy See has given the United States Conference of Catholic (USCCB) specific rights and responsibilities regarding the Catechism of the Catholic Church. No edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, in any language, may be published in the United States or imported for commercial distribution in the United States without the written permission of the USCC

Works for academic discourse, e.g. dissertations, scholarly articles, materials intended for use within courses, are exempt from these guidelines provided that all direct and indirect quotes and references are acknowledge

CCCSeries6 completes the Quiz Series and finishes with The Lords Prayer and its seven petitions


St Clement ePress provides quotes from, and links to, the Vatican website for all of our CCCSeries products, as an explanation of the quiz answers and to help the user gain a deeper knowledge of our faith. These quotes and links are an important part of the work for an understanding of the Catechism;

Special Note: We do not claim authorship nor do we claim copyright for the Catechism of The Catholic Churc

Continue Learning

CCCSeries 3-6 is a continuation of these series with over 2,000 all new quiz questions—the entire Catechism!

CCCSeries 3: Beliefs: The Profession of Faith

CCCSeries 4: Sacraments: The Christian Mystery

CCCSeries 5: Morality: Our Life In Christ

CCCSeries 6: Prayer: Christian Prayer

Holy Father, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI wrote

“Read as a whole, the Bible is really Catholic. But this must first be shown through a catechetical instruction that would re-habituate the faithful to a reading of Scripture in and with The Church”

The Ratzinger Report — 1985

CCCSeries 6 includes quizzes for learning and understanding paragraphs 2558—2865 of the Catechism of The Catholic Churc

Each subsequent series will follow this format and ultimately we will bring you the entire Catechism in quiz form, questions from almost every paragraph!

CCCSeries 6 will focus on learning The Catechism with the following format

Part Four: Christian Prayer

Section One

Chapter One—Paragraphs 2558–2649

Chapter Two—Paragraphs 2560–2696

Chapter Three—Paragraphs 2697–2758

Section Two

Article One—Paragraphs 2761–2776

Article Two—Paragraphs 2777–28

Article Three—Paragraphs 2803–2854

Article Four—Paragraphs 2855–2865

You will know The Catechism!

Relax and enjoy, each quiz is self-grading with immediate feedback and correction, we do not retain your scores, so take the quizzes as often as you lik

Use this App to learn The Catechism of The Catholic Church and ultimately your love of God and His Churc

Thank You for your support of St Clement ePress!

Please pray for our work, as we pray for our patrons

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