
tasting notes: wine, beer, etc
tasting notes: wine, beer, etc
tasting notes: wine, beer, etc
tasting notes: wine, beer, etc
tasting notes: wine, beer, etc

tasting notes: wine, beer, etcAPP简介

Tasting Notes helps you keep track of products you love or hate, to help you remember the gems for next time. By uploading photos and attaching the location you’re at, you can remember the environment and exactly where you found it. You can also tag products, and set up different categories. Your data is kept private, and stored only on your phone & in iCloud. This means when you get a new phone, all your tasting notes are still there, and you can be honest about that guilty pleasure of yours!

tasting notes: wine, beer, etcAPP亮点


‣ Track by rating & adding a note

‣ Upload photos to remember the product or capture the environment

‣ Attach a location to remember where you found it

‣ Track products across any number of categories

‣ Add tags to your products for better organization

‣ Your Tasting Notes stay private, so you can be honest about those guilty pleasures

‣ Synchronises your Tasting Notes via iCloud

Useful to track all kinds of things, from drinks to food (in restaurants, or delivered with Deliveroo, Uber Eats, Just Eat, Grubhub, Instacart, etc.) to day-to-day products.

Tasting Notes: Wine, Beer, etc V1.2.1更新日志

‣ Fix for Photo Preview

‣ Fix for text truncation



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